
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Busy Busy me!

Whew! The past few days have really flown by. IT was a good thing I rested up on black Friday, because my weekend was jam packed. I spent black Friday working on button wreaths. my inspiration came from Better Homes and Gardens, here's how the looked in the magazine. Aren't they cute?

I hope to have my version of these posted in my Etsy shop soon. My laptop has went on the fritz, and my new desktop doesn't have a built in SD card reader. I have no clue where the original transfer cables for the camera are, so I've ordered this nifty little flash drive SD card reader. When it gets here, I'll finally be able to post all the things that I've been working on in the past few weeks. (= 

I'm glad I got in some quality crafting time on Friday, because Saturday was spent on the road. I went and visited some of my old friends from high school that were home from college. It's nice to catch up with everyone sometimes. It seems like I see everyone when i come up to laFayette.  
We spent the afternoon at my mom and dad's with family. They decided to do our family Thanksgiving 2 days after actual thanksgiving. It worked out best with everyone's schedule, and it was mom and dads 22ND wedding anniversary. ( = We had a good time visiting with everyone. I even got to catch a glimpse of our family's newest addition, baby Mollie. She is SO CUTE! I didn't really get to play with her, they were getting ready to leave, as we we're pulling in the drive way, but everyone took lots of pictures for me. 
Thanksgiving photo slide show is a bit grainy... not sure why. Sorry.

After the dinner ended, my little sister Katie, (remember the cutie with the turkey leg? yep, that's her) decided to spend the night with Dylan and I. We met up with mom the next day and went to Chattanooga to see a movie and check out the flea market. I love that place. I always find cool stuff there. I found some brand new reef flip flops for $3, and some cute costume jewelry at $1 each. I also found really neat storage containers. They were from target's campus gear line, and will be prefect to store my craft projects in. And at 25cents each, who could pass that up? I bought them all. ( = 

After the flea market, we were supposed to see a 1:20 movie but i took so long rummaging in the junk, that we missed our movie and it didn't start again until 5:30. WE had some time to kill, so we went shoe shopping. I've been searching everywhere for a basic pair of flat dress shoes. I looked everywhere! I didn't find what I was looking for, but mom found a cool pair of new balance for dad. So, 4 hours after planned, we finally make it to our movie. We watched old dogs. It was such a cute little movie. Everyone should really see it. ( = Check out the preview.

All in all it was a fun day. We met some interesting characters, like the guy at the flea market with the old 80s style boom box playing "shaking up my yoo hoo lalala". I have searched up and down to find that song so i could share it with you guys. It was a crazy sounding silly song. The old man told us the name of it... but none of us can remember what it was. Any one have any ideas... It almost sound like yodeling. 

One of the other interested characters we met was at the shoe store. There was a "slow" to say the least man... running the store. He heard me say i was looking for little flat dress shoes, like ballerina flat. He was under the impression, that we were ballerinas and he kept trying to sell us these old timey lace up ribbon ballerina shoes. For those of you who know our family... We don't look like ballerinas! Look Mr ballerina shoe man.... when they start signing up 200#ers to dance around on their tip toes.... then give me a call. (= Along with being a complete goof ball, he also sold mom his display. As we left the store (yes, without buying our ballet shoes) we seen a really cool vintage picnic basket. I went back in to see if the goof y guy was willing to sell it, and of course he was. I would have never guessed it was only $10. I really think the sock that were displayed in the basket was $10, not the actually basket, but he said he was sure.. that was the tag for the basket. Once the other lady in the store realized the deal we were making, she wanted to see the basket too, and tried to convince mom to let her have it instead. And, if you know mom, that made her want it even more. 

So, now we have a new christmas ornament storage basket, that, in the words of the lady in the shoe store, would have looked much better as a real picnic basket, and she would actually take it on a picnic. AH! the mess us girls can get into on a Sunday, but we always have fun. I hope that we get to get together again soon. 

After a late night on Sunday, I slept in Monday morning and then hit the floor running.Dylan and I went shoe shopping and I finally found the perfect shoes... brown pair and a black pair! and they were right here in town at shoe show. ah! should have looked there first. While I was shoe shopping, Dylan took my cell phone and had it "fixed" hopefully, Ill start receiving my incoming calls now. I must be hard on cell phones, they never last long for me. Maybe, just maybe, it's fixed now.
Along with shopping and cell phone CPR, I also made some really cool gifts yesterday. I'm excited to get everyone's responses. I just love my handmade Christmas list this year. ( = I've been struggling to balance my Christmas list projects and my Etsy shop orders, but I did get some orders filled yesterday, I've almost got all of my book wreaths shipped out. I have 2 more to make. I need to ship a big order tomorrow, I think i might need a truck. HA! these wreath boxes are SO big, only 4 can fit in my back seat. I'll figure it out, even if i have to make more than one trip. Right now I'm working on a book wreath made out of sheet music. I think it's going to turn out VERY cool looking. I'll post photos soon ( =

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