
Sunday, May 2, 2010

I learned to...

Yes- I know, I've been away for too long- I've been working hard with my Crafty friend Wendy so that I can announce this Exciting news! I've learned to sew! Thats right. Little ol' me- Sewing away.
Ok- So maybe it wasn't THAT exciting... but it's exciting to me. ( =
I've been working to learn the tricks of the trade and I feel like I'm catching on pretty quickly. I have SO many people wanting clothes for their kids already. Each outfit looks better than the last and I am thrilled with each cool new trick that I learn. This week... I leaned to machine smock and I LOVE it.
Summer time, "in my neck of the woods", always means smocked dresses and swimsuits... so I hope that soon I will get up the courage to make myself some cute new dresses. Right now- I'm sticking to kids clothes but I'm planning on working on a adult top for Aunt Mandy this week. ( = I'll keep you posted on how it turns out.
Thank you Martha Stewart for featuring Heather Ross on your show this week so that I could follow along and actually SEE how smocking is done. That Was a HUGE help. AND thank you Wendy and Mandy for all the kind words about my work as I learn to sew. You guys keep me motived and give me a sense of accomplishment with your compliments. ( =
-This month in review-
Learn how to work a sewing machine= Novice.
Pillowcase dresses= mastered!
-----------------------Now... If you are interested in a dress for your little one- throw me a line. I'd love to create something beautiful for you. ( =
Back to sewing,

*All photo credit goes to Wendy D. - Wonderful Photographer and my Craft partner in crime.

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