
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Since I talked to you last.

Since I talked to you last...
Center: We've been having some major rain & hail storms lately but Katie took this beautiful picture of the clouds rolling in.
1. Playing Uno with Katie while it lightened and the eletronics where unpluged
2. More storm pictures- the rain across the field.
3. I'm on the hunt for this mailbox cover- we shopped Chattanooga last weekend with no luck yet. Our new house has a TN football mailbox that must be covered as soon as we move in since I'm a GA fan and Dylan is an AL fan ( =
4. I've been spazing out in hopes that all my furniture will fit in our new house. The rooms are a little smaller than what we have now... I think. I used the nursery builder to build my master bedroom shown here.
5.We've been packing in anticipation of moving day. It seems like everthing is in a box around the house but really... we have a long way to go. You don't realize how much "stuff" you have until you try to put it all in a box. We had a big yard sale- and man is that hard work!- the yard sale rid us of some junk but we still have plenty more. The moving date got pushed back since we are getting hardwood floors in the new house- but that will be well worth the wait to get rid of that icky carpet. ( =
6. Katie's going to high school! I missed her 8th grade graduation because I was sick- I started my fertility treatments this month- but since I missed it, Mom took this picture for me. ( = Yay Katie! Now that it's summer time and schools out... it's time to get on our driving lessons. Blue hole road- here we come. ( =
7-10. The summer garden is coming in at mom and dads. I picked some yummy veggies today shown here and I'm about to head home and cook them up for Mr. Dylan. ( =
11. These cute flowers poped up after the big rain storms a few days ago.
12. My cousin Miss. Molly in her UGA swimsuit. Isn't she cute?

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