
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tutorial Thursday- twirly skirt tutorial

I spotted a cute little blog called House on hill road. I ran across this twirly skirt tutorial and was inspired to create a similar one.
I've had a weird piece of orange-ish-red colored fabric, with tiny black & yellow flowers, staring at me for a few days now. I really wanted to use it for something but soon discovered that it was a really small scrap for a twirl skirt. Half way in to the project - I decided to use the casing (that should have been for a drawstring) for an elastic waistband casing. I also added some rick rack and a yo-yo button flower. My version looks nothing like Erin's tutorial- but I think it's cute in it's own little way. ( =
One day- when I have cute fabric aplenty, I will make a twirl skirt like the one in the tutorial. Erin has several tutorials that all look fabulous! Be sure to check them out.
Here friends is my little mishap skirt.

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