
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's Tuesday again- bib tutorial and pattern

It's been an eventful week so far- photo shoot, a funeral, my hubby hit a deer, I turned 21, and one of my friends had surgery- but more about all that in my week in review. Back to tutorial Tuesday and the fact that I 've been super busy. 
I'm planning another photo shoot with a darling little baby girl and I plan on making her some cute minky bibs.  I managed to go buy minky dot and cute fabrics to make these fabulous bibs- but never got around to actually making them. SO- I'll post photo of my own bibs when I get them made but in the mean time I'll share with you the pattern that I plan on testing out. I've seen several different patterns floating around the web but this one I think is the best one I've seen. I linked to the chickpea studio pattern from vanillajoy.comKelsey at Vanillajoy used flannel for her little drooler and the turned out cute but I'm planning on using minky fabric like Leigh Ann from Spincushion did in her Baby Breakfast Bib Tutorial. I think I will lengthen the original pattern from Chickpea and use a velcro closure with a fake button. I've never worked with minky before so I hope that these turn out cute. Any tips for working with minky dot?

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see yours! you were mentioned in this post!


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