
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

our week in review.

Saturday we went to a bluegrass festival in Snow Hill Tennessee with my grandmother and her boyfriend. Our favorite band of the night was Mountain Cove. If you don't know of them- check out their website. These boys are sure to be famous one day. ( =

We are on the hunt for a new laptop- I'm holding out for a good deal.  Did I mention that Dylan and I have been sharing one desktop for months now? oh how life will be more simple when we find a new laptop. Any model suggestions?

How did I forget to mention this one? Dylan killed {or at least seriously injured} Bambie's mama last week on his way to work. )= What in the world was this mama doing out at 4 in the morning?

Has anyone else's yard been growing like a weed this summer? I thought grass was supposed to die when it's this hot? Nope- ours turns in to a forest! I'm feeling a riding mower being added to our "TO BUY" list. Oh and.. that house in the photo... still empty. They finally auctioned it off- so hopefully they will fix it up and we'll get some new neighbors soon.

So- It hasn't been an eventful week but I haven't been feeling well either. Apparently naughty gallbladders are contagious! {Thanks Meg.} Not really. I've been dealing with this for YEARS but I have a hida scan scheduled for tomorrow so hopefully the test will be enough to get them to take it out and this pain can be over with. I'll keep you posted on the results. *Fingers crossed*

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What's on your mind? I'd love to hear from you!