
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday is a wonderful day to get back on track...

If you are still a faithful follower- I thank you for sticking around.
Thanks for stopping by to read my week in review since I've been away catch up. (= 

Where to start...
*The 8/26/10 was Mr. Dylan's 23rd Birthday. ( =

*The 30th of August was our 2nd wedding anniversary.
*We spent Labor Day with my parents cooking out around the pool.
*As of September 3rd we are a multi family household. My aunt and uncle moved in with us and I have moved all my crafty bedroom in to a cramped CUTE little closet- BUT I got a new desk for my sewing machine and sewing goodies.

*My little sister Katie started High school and LOVES it! Oh- and slowly but sure-ly I am teaching her to drive {Yikes!!}
image source
*I was chosen by the National Consumer panel to participate in a home study. I got my scanner last week. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Any else ever tried National Consumer panel?
*There is a great NEW boutique moved to town and has picked up some of my crafty work for their boutique. I'm sewing my head off oh and don't forget.. tying a gazillion hair bows.
*I've been working on clothing for some adorable children that will be modeling for me at my fall photo shoot. Isn't Miss. Delaney adorable in her Zebra tee? I have these available in my Etsy shop if your interested.
*I decided to add "boutique clothing" to my business card. I know that sounds silly- but up until now, I wasn't confident enough in my sewing skills to add it to my specialty list. But now- I have these cute little cards that include boutique clothing, that I got for free at vista print. ( =

*My friend Meg at bug creator, my mother in law and myself are crafting up a storm preparing for upcoming festivals. I plan on vending at Sum NellySequoya arts and craft festival, and Lyerly Down home days. It's sure to be a ton of planning and crafting but I'm sure we'll have a great time. ( = I'll give you guys a sneak peak at some of the great things we'll have at our booth. If you are in the area- plan on stopping by, I'll give more details soon.

And.... that about all the highlights for our past few weeks. Again- thanks for hanging around folks. I'll be back tomorrow with an awesome tutorial thats sure to inspire you to get your craft on. ( =


  1. I did not know about the sequoyah or lyerly!!! I wanna come! I need the cash ... badly... when are they? Can I come? Want company? let me know!

  2. well- I think I am going to miss Lyerly because it is next weekend and I don't have enough stuff made for a display yet. I may still go up there and look around though. Your welcome to come with. (=
    The sequoyah is the 3rd weekend in OCT in summerville. I signed you up for that one already. ( =


What's on your mind? I'd love to hear from you!