
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rapture Jam

I was excited to be invited as a vendor to the first ever Rapture Jam. Paper Pixie Crafts and Meg at Bug Creator from Ry Bug Babies teamed together yet again for another great event. New Generation Christian Church youth hosted the event at the Summerville Rec. We've been informed that a 2nd annual event is being planned already. Maybe we will see you there next year.
A Review in photos...
1. I finally got to meet Meg's new friend Jess and her cute little ones.
2. Meg, Ry, and I manned our vendor booth for the afternoon. Apparently Ry thought the exact second that we were taking this photo was an appropriate time to pick my nose... but hey... You take what you can get with babies.. Right?
3.&4. Fireworks... I was impressed with the display ( =
5. The ferris wheel. I didn't ride it personally... but it got great reviews from the kiddos.
6. My wonderful hubby Dylan who was a real sport about the fair and came after work to help set up our vendor booth. Thanks babe! ( =
So... We'll see ya next year?

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