
Friday, November 26, 2010

Update: Market, Thanksgiving, and crafty goodness.

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No friends, I haven't abandoned you, I've just had a million things happening all at one time lately. My poor hubby strained a muscle in his back and has been out of work for over a week! Lots of rest and several trips to the Dr later... he finally is feeling better and returned to work today. On top of that madness... I've been really sluggish lately with a nasty cold. I'm 8 days in to this strain and I've yet to feel any sign of wellness at the end of the tunnel. I started some antibiotics today and hope that I'll be back up and kicking soon. So... Since I seen you last-


Paperpixiecrafts set up at the 1st ever North Georgia Crafters' Market. It was a huge success for a first time event. We had lots of wonderful vendors and a nice turnout. Santa even stopped by for photos! I had a wonderful time and was accompaniedby my wonderful MR, my mother in law (who made some beautiful jewelry for the event) and by my photographer friend Wendy, who kindly provided free kiddie face painting at my booth. We had a great time and are looking forward to the North Georgia Crafters' Holiday Market on December 4th. If you are local- be sure to visit us!

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After the craft market... I came down with my cold. ) = But I was still able to enjoy my aunt's seafood birthday dinner in Chattanooga. ( = Then... My crafty photography friend Wendy informed me that Kroger had Cricut machines on sell for ONLY $99!! I was THRILLED and the MR took me immediately to get one. It's my early Christmas gift. ( = I've been playing with it and learning all the cool function. I think I'll really enjoy using it to cut out appliqued letters. I hope to try out vinyl soon. Any one have any Cricut tips?
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Oh. and don't worry... The MR got an early Christmas gift too. He decided he had to have a Marshall guitar head. So we've been hearing a crazy amount of wild guitar solos this week while he's been home from work.
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And... Then there was Thanksgiving. Usually Thanksgiving is a big event at my parents house. But this year, since everyone was feeling under the weather, my cousin had the family dinner at her house. We were all so sick... no one at my parents house, or our house made it. ) = We did though, head over to the in-laws house for a nice laid back turkey dinner. I stayed in my PJs on the inlaw's couch while my Mr headed out to the other side of the family's massive Thanksgiving dinner at the local civic center. I hated missing the tradition, but I didn't want to get all the kiddos sick. Hopefully I'll get to see everyone again soon. How was your Thanksgiving?

On the up side of being confined to the house all week... I did get a ton of crafting done. I lots of new things listed in my Etsy shop and I am even working on a tutorial to share with you guys soon! In the mean time... check out some of the cool stuff I've been working on. ( =

Fabric wreath.
peace sign necklaces
reclaimed snowman ornament
crayon roll
glass pendant necklaces

book page ornament

If you are a fan of my book page ornaments... be sure to check out my corresponding book ruffle wreaths!
book ruffle wreath
I hope you have enjoied my new crafty creations! I  have lots more to share with you... but for now.. I think this post is just about as photo heavy as it can handle... and it's time for another dose of nyquil and a nap. (=
Keep your eyes pilled for my book house tutorial coming soon! You're gonna LOVE it!
Here is a sneak peek.
book house by Paperpixiecrafts 

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