
Monday, December 13, 2010

Table cloth curtain challenge

I got a weird request the other day. My Dad's sister called me and wanted to challenge me to creating curtains for her country kitchen. What's the "Challenge" She wanted me to create 2 panels for 2 windows like the one in the photo, 2 panels for a floor to ceiling length window in the dining room, and one panel for a window on her back door. And she wanted me to make it all from one small round and one 5x3 rectangle table cloth. I thought it was impossible, but she reminded me that when she was younger, she used to sew, and that she new it could be done.
 I was uneasy during the sewing. I've never made anything that was important. Well, let me rephrase that... I've never made anything that I actually Needed. When I create... it's usually something that ... if it doesn't work out... I can trash it and start over without any concerns. That probably doesn't make much since to anyone but myself. (=
Anyway, I'm pleased to say that I DID finish the curtains within the fabric provided, and believe it or not... they aren't all that bad. I even made some tie backs for them. I wish I had taken more photos, but my phone died after the first photo. Oh well, you get the idea. I probably could have done a better job if I had enough fabric, but we had fun "making do" with the up-cycled materials. They are kind of funky... so don't make fun of me and my curtain making adventures.
Have you made anything useful from reclaimed materials lately? 
Challenge yourself! I'd love to see what you come up with. ( =

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