
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Craft/music room.

I feel like I may be the only person in the world that needs a design idea for both a guitar and craft room. I would like a nice balance where we can both have a creative space.
The space is currently a disaster zone with all my supplies strewed everywhere. So much so that my husband has moved his gear to the living room. ugh. I've got to get to organizing this space.
Everything thrown in the floor of the room it belongs in.
Tons of craft supplies that ended up in my linen closet. I've got to get all of this moved to the craft room too, so I can organize my linens. BTW- That's a wall to wall shelf that FILLS the closet. Like.. 6 foot tall and 4 foot wide. ugh. I have a ton of work ahead of me.
I have chose a "theme" for the new Create Studio (Craft and Guitar room) - kinda... heres a picture to help you understand the next part of my ramblings.

I found this paper at Walmart that I want to use on the walls. It's re-positional contact paper. I'm not sure if it's intended for walls... so I have put a small test piece on the sheet rock and plan to pull it off in a few more days to make sure it's not going to damage anything.
The paper is green and white striped vinyl-ish. I headed to the fabric department and found a green and brown leaf fabric that I fell in love with and I THINK it'll work ok with the paper for the walls. I want to use the fabric to create a table skirt for my work table so that I can hide my craft storage drawers underneath. I'm thinking of using Velcro to attach it to the table... but I'm not sure yet. I've been looking for a tutorial on how to make a skirt... but haven't found anything similar to my project yet. Any Suggestions. I also picked up some greenish sheer material that I plan to use for curtains. I'm thinking curtain panels should be pretty easy since I only need to treat 1 window, but then again... I've never worked with sheer material... so I'll have to let you know how that goes. I hope to find some decorator fabric to cover my office chair in. I have some old wing back chairs with wood arms that I can't decide if I should clip cover, try to re cover and paint, or just leave as is for a distressed look.
Anyone know how to make large fabric storage bins? I want to try to make my own. I'm altering a ton of my storage container tins to match the new colors.
My late night spray paint session. I have the front taped off for chalk board paint. ( =
I would love to find some old apple crates and incorporate those as well as burlap in to the room some how. I think apple crates would be great for storage on the white metal rack that I've turned in to an office console. I'm also on the hunt for guitar hooks for the wall to hang some of my husband's beautiful guitars on the wall. I pondered with some design ideas at the hardware today and considered making my own. I would love to have a spinning type display using a bike tire. Sounds crazy, I know. (= I can't find a photo of what I'm talking about ( not sure if anyone else has ever even done it before) but think about it like this photo, but with guitars hanging in the place of those pots.
Image source
In addition to re doing our hobby room- We became a single family house again. In celebration of this event, along with reclaiming the hobby room, I decided to personalize our mail box. ( =
When had this UGLY mailbox that came with the house. It was white with bright orange sponge paint squares, a Tennessee logo, and the previous owners surname. I'm not a TN fan... so the box has been bothering me for a while now. I started working on it tonight... I CANT BELIEVE I forgot to take before pictures, but... I sprayed the whole thing black tonight, removed the flag and repainted it. I plan to use my Cricut machine to cut our name out of vinyl for the box. I can't wait to see how it turns out! I'll post photos soon.
I'm also working on some home organization projects and revamps. I guess I got spring cleaning fever early. But that's ok... I'll get it all done now... so we'll have more time to focus on the yard and the garden we're planning for this spring. ( =
Stay posted for photos of the projects I mentioned. If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them.

My thoughts exactly GIVEAWAY. ( =

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