
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 11 - a picture of something you hate

Day 11 - a picture of something you hate.
DIRTY DISHES! Ugh. I'm not a housekeeper... I hate doing dishes.
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I'm always trying to come up with ways to make cleaning less of a drag. There are a ton of articles like this one from that have ideas on how to enjoy yourself while cleaning. Ha! Enjoy. Yea right. lol
Speaking of dishes... a close second on my hate list is laundry.
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No, no, this is not my actual laundry pile. I wish it was that simple. I always have laundry everywhere. My laundry room is a disaster, and I always have a few baskets half folded around the house. I often try to convince myself that if I had a beautiful laundry room I would be much better at keeping on top of it, but I seriously doubt that. But I'll keep wishing for a beautifully organized laundry spot like this one anyway. (=
Image source. ooohh! If only...

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