
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 4: Little E, a retro throwback & The Lost Sea weekend adventure.

30 day challenge
                                          Day 4 - a picture of you when you were little. I can't seem to find any of me when I was little little (psh! I've never really been "little" lol )... so I'll share two of me when I was... simi little.

This was Christmas. I was so excited to get a  Walkman. I wore out that hot pink Barbie cassette. Yes children- a cassette... no, not a CD, but an actual cassette that held tape. You know... those "retro" things. ( =
*I feel weird for saying that... because I'm not that OLD. lol

Here's me an my friend Jennifer back in elementary school at Lost Sea. Don't you just love my  90's matching cotton short set? One fashion trend that i'm glad died for anyone over the age of 5 and under 60. ( =

Speaking of the Lost Sea... finding this photo a while back inspired Dylan and I to revisit the Lost Sea last weekend. We took a little drive up to Sweet Water to check it out. We had a great time! I'll be posting photos of our trip soon... but for now... here's a sneak peek of our Sweet water TN adventure.
The lost sea 
Image source
Largest Flea Market in TN ( =
More to come...

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