
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same." -Carlos Casteneda

   Thats right ladies. I've gone back to work. And this time... I mean a real job. I started yesterday. I've always worked in boutiques, shops, or with children but last week I was faced with a brand new opportunity. My sister in high school decided to take a summer job at a local packaging factory and asked me to join her. We are working long 12-18 hour shift for a less than gracious salary.
   When I told my husband that of the job he quickly wondered why I agreed to spend my summer in such a way. I wasn't really sure how to answer other than that I feel like it's what I should do.
Yesterday was our first day, and boy was it hard work for me! I have never worked in a factory, or even 12 hour shifts for that matter... but I'm going to do my best to hang in there.
  I feel like this might be an eye opener for me. I'm spending time with a totally different group of people at work then I would usually socialize with, but who seem nice. I think I'm going to appreciate my time off more and make better use of the time I get to spend with my DH. I think it will be good for me to become more appreciative of my hubby working while I home make. I'm not exactly sure what will come of working this summer, but I have a good feeling that it's going to be something pretty great.
SO... I'm sure a few of you are spazzing while reading this, wondering if I am ending my blog... well, fear not.. I wont be disappearing, but only make less frequent appearances. I'll still be filling orders from my Etsy shop, and I'll accept custom orders on a longer production time. I hope that you guys can understand that I'm going though this little self discover phase. ( =
Anyone else returned to work recently after years of being a home maker?

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