
Friday, December 25, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Christmas corner

This is our first Christmas in this house and I had NO IDEA where I would put my Christmas tree this year. I made a cute little "Christmas corner." I wanted to take a picture with all the gifts under the tree, but they weren't there long with our "early Christmas", and I never got around to it until now. So, this is our little Christmas Corner.

Winter days downtown.

Katie came a spent a few nights with us and we took a day to walk around downtown, visit all  the little shops, and spot some Christmas lights. We had a great time goofing off today.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

{Early} Christmas dinner

We had a yummy Christmas dinner today. ( = I was so glad that Dylan was able to be with us. We enjoyed a feast and then went back to playing with our new gifts. A belly full of turkey, and hours of new video games sure will wear a body out. ( =

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dylan's Christmas

Dylan has to work on Christmas, so we decided to have an early Christmas so that he could celebrate with  us.
We had a great time exchanging gifts. I got a new Xyon machine! Yay. Stickers and magnets coming soon ( =
Dylan was happy to see that his video game and movie wish list was filled. Daddy like his etched mug that I bought on Etsy. I bought it from a wonderful seller, Belinda, at etchingbybella. She did a great job on the mugs. Be sure to check out her shop.
Mom loved her Iris painting, and Katie was thrilled with all her cute gifts I found on Etsy. ( =
We had a great time. Now it's time to get ready for {Early Dylan} Christmas dinner tomorrow.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Cute little Southernbelle shop.

I ran across the cutest little online store today, I thought I'd share. They have shirts with cute "southern" sayings and are all very girl-y. I love it. I think I'll have to order one. ( =

 Be sure to check out their store at

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Book wreaths and rubix cubes galore!

By FAR, My best seller Christmas gifts are rub ix cubes and book wreaths. I have them all over the house. Half made, drying, needing cut out, rubber maids full of paper rolls, and just a huge mess in general.

I am so thankful that my shop is doing so well for the holidays. I hope that everyone loves the gifts that I'm making. (= I'm getting great responses so far.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Renewed Funky Accessories

The holidays are always so  busy. I rarely find time to work on crafts that aren't already ordered,  or Christmas gifts. I did though get around to this cool project.

I recycled some funky barrettes in to trendy new accessories!

*I used vintage barrettes that I found
{still in the original packaging}.
*I printed off the graphic that I wanted to add on the hair accessory.
*Cut out the printed chraters.
 *Used modge podge as a glue to add the characters  to the plastic part of the barrette and then brushed over the whole plastic barrette face with modge podge to seal the paper to the plastic.
 ( =

What's so great is... I can use this on so many different accessories. I'm  thinking about doing 80's style chunky plastic earrings next. I'll let you know how it  goes.
Maybe you have some old school accessories that you would like to "renew?"
I'd love  to see how your project turns  out. ( =

Monday, December 7, 2009

crafting, shopping, and artsy fun ( =

I've been crafting up a storm. I've made tons of cute shrink plastic ornaments. ( = The green monster is my favorite. I had no clue who bro bee was, but someone requested this. Turns out, its a kids show, and everyone who's seen this ornament, loves this little fella.

Sunday, I spent the morning in Atlanta with Rhonda, who I work for at Mimi's Attic. We went shopping for new Christmas stock for the store. We found some really great stuff! I cant wait for everyone to see it. I work tomorrow, so I'll get to show it all off. ( = I found me some pretty cool stuff too. I got a killer new pocket book, and some cute scarfs. I'm still on the hunt for a handmade scarf though. Anyone know of any scarf knitting Etsy goddesses? I'd love love love to score a cool handmade scarf! Message me if you know of anyone who does awesome work. I'm not a knitter, but I have considered making this no knit scarf that I found on Martha I'm keeping my eye out for "bulky-weight yarn." Anyone know where I can find it?

Along with shopping, I've also been working on a special order Red Sox album. Mrs. Amanda at Still in motion photography, needed a red sox themed Christmas gift. I think my handmade album will go over well. I made the album cover myself too! I've never made one exactly like that, but I was pretty happy with it. I used a tutorial I found online line, and it was quite nifty. If you need a custom chipboard album, let me know. I can make these any size or shape you would like, and I can cover them in any color paper you want too.
I happened to run up on a killer find the other day, my local thrift shop had baskets of chipboard that the college art department had donated. I bought it all! The sweet lady at the register said: "what is that stuff? It's been sitting there for a while now. Everyone asked what it is... and I had no clue." I explained to her what it was and that it was rather expensive at craft stores. I was amazed to find out that it has been sitting there forever without someone swiping it. I'm glad though, because now I have tons of chipboard! YAY! Maybe I'll make chipboard notebooks sometime soon. I'm trying to come up with cool projects I can do using this chipboard. I am not a huge fan of the albums with the metal rings, so I trying to avoid that. Anyone got any cool ideas? I haven't really had time lately to look for cool projects online.

Today, I made some bottle cap necklaces with my new sun and moon "glaze drops", and I LOVE these! They are so easy to use. I hope that they last as long as the traditional resin? We'll see. Have you heard anything about how these hold up? I'd love to hear about your experience with these. I'm considering buying more, but want some feedback first.  {Message me}

After a morning full of crafting, my hubby and I went on a little walk over to the Howard Finster art gardens. I never know the story behind this place. (Msnbc tells the story here.) Its really neat from the outside and I want to check out the tour they do of his "memory gardens." It's kind of ashame to see this place all ran down. I looked up some photos of it back when he was still alive, and it was SO beautiful. I would love to see someone restore the "upkeep" part of the area. I notice the newer signs with website information, I hope that someone new is taking over it to help get it looking good again. I took a few pictures before my camera batteries died. -sigh- Ill take good photos some other day. ( = promise.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Featured on...

My first feature!  I am so excited about my first feature. Well I say it was my first feature, but really it's the first feature that someone told me about. ( =
My book wreaths were featured on Maia's Dream! Check it out.
I always LOVE to hear when someone enjoys my work. That the best part about crafting; hearing someone say OMG! you made that? Too cool! I am honored to be featured on Maia's dream. I hope to score more features and get the word out about my little shop.
{The wreath was photographed by Wendy Dowda. She's such a great photographer. I hope to feature more of her work here soon.}
*If you are interested in being featured here on Paperpixiecrafts, or if your interested in featuring Paperpixiecrafts on your blog... message me, and we'll see what we can do. ( =

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

photo teaser.Items not yet listed on my Etsy shop.

As promised, here is photos of the things I've been working on this week. ( =
I think everything turned out pretty darn cute. Most of these items will be available for sale in my Etsy shop soon. If you are interested in purchasing before it's listed, just message me for first dibs.

Button Wreath.

Jewelry Holder.

Snowman ornament made from recycled tin can lid.

Jewelry. I also have the matching necklace, Ill post photos of it later.

paper punch photo ornament.

Shrink plastic tags.

Hand blown glass bead bracelet and earring set. I also have the matching 3 tier necklace. I'll take a photo of it soon and add it to this set.

I've been working on so much lately, I haven't taken photos of all of it. I have also been working on, book wreaths, ribbon wreaths, scrabble pendants and jewelry, cassette tape wallets, scrapbooks, box making, wall hangings, hair bows, hair bow holders, button necklaces, pet tags, cupcake toppers, holiday cards, tile coasters, mosaic wooden jewelry boxes, photo frame ornaments, marble magnets, bottle cap necklaces, business cards, hand bound books, vintage ornament wreaths, and more!
 I have a lot more photos to add here. So, Keep an eye out for new stuff coming soon.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Busy Busy me!

Whew! The past few days have really flown by. IT was a good thing I rested up on black Friday, because my weekend was jam packed. I spent black Friday working on button wreaths. my inspiration came from Better Homes and Gardens, here's how the looked in the magazine. Aren't they cute?

I hope to have my version of these posted in my Etsy shop soon. My laptop has went on the fritz, and my new desktop doesn't have a built in SD card reader. I have no clue where the original transfer cables for the camera are, so I've ordered this nifty little flash drive SD card reader. When it gets here, I'll finally be able to post all the things that I've been working on in the past few weeks. (= 

I'm glad I got in some quality crafting time on Friday, because Saturday was spent on the road. I went and visited some of my old friends from high school that were home from college. It's nice to catch up with everyone sometimes. It seems like I see everyone when i come up to laFayette.  
We spent the afternoon at my mom and dad's with family. They decided to do our family Thanksgiving 2 days after actual thanksgiving. It worked out best with everyone's schedule, and it was mom and dads 22ND wedding anniversary. ( = We had a good time visiting with everyone. I even got to catch a glimpse of our family's newest addition, baby Mollie. She is SO CUTE! I didn't really get to play with her, they were getting ready to leave, as we we're pulling in the drive way, but everyone took lots of pictures for me. 
Thanksgiving photo slide show is a bit grainy... not sure why. Sorry.

After the dinner ended, my little sister Katie, (remember the cutie with the turkey leg? yep, that's her) decided to spend the night with Dylan and I. We met up with mom the next day and went to Chattanooga to see a movie and check out the flea market. I love that place. I always find cool stuff there. I found some brand new reef flip flops for $3, and some cute costume jewelry at $1 each. I also found really neat storage containers. They were from target's campus gear line, and will be prefect to store my craft projects in. And at 25cents each, who could pass that up? I bought them all. ( = 

After the flea market, we were supposed to see a 1:20 movie but i took so long rummaging in the junk, that we missed our movie and it didn't start again until 5:30. WE had some time to kill, so we went shoe shopping. I've been searching everywhere for a basic pair of flat dress shoes. I looked everywhere! I didn't find what I was looking for, but mom found a cool pair of new balance for dad. So, 4 hours after planned, we finally make it to our movie. We watched old dogs. It was such a cute little movie. Everyone should really see it. ( = Check out the preview.

All in all it was a fun day. We met some interesting characters, like the guy at the flea market with the old 80s style boom box playing "shaking up my yoo hoo lalala". I have searched up and down to find that song so i could share it with you guys. It was a crazy sounding silly song. The old man told us the name of it... but none of us can remember what it was. Any one have any ideas... It almost sound like yodeling. 

One of the other interested characters we met was at the shoe store. There was a "slow" to say the least man... running the store. He heard me say i was looking for little flat dress shoes, like ballerina flat. He was under the impression, that we were ballerinas and he kept trying to sell us these old timey lace up ribbon ballerina shoes. For those of you who know our family... We don't look like ballerinas! Look Mr ballerina shoe man.... when they start signing up 200#ers to dance around on their tip toes.... then give me a call. (= Along with being a complete goof ball, he also sold mom his display. As we left the store (yes, without buying our ballet shoes) we seen a really cool vintage picnic basket. I went back in to see if the goof y guy was willing to sell it, and of course he was. I would have never guessed it was only $10. I really think the sock that were displayed in the basket was $10, not the actually basket, but he said he was sure.. that was the tag for the basket. Once the other lady in the store realized the deal we were making, she wanted to see the basket too, and tried to convince mom to let her have it instead. And, if you know mom, that made her want it even more. 

So, now we have a new christmas ornament storage basket, that, in the words of the lady in the shoe store, would have looked much better as a real picnic basket, and she would actually take it on a picnic. AH! the mess us girls can get into on a Sunday, but we always have fun. I hope that we get to get together again soon. 

After a late night on Sunday, I slept in Monday morning and then hit the floor running.Dylan and I went shoe shopping and I finally found the perfect shoes... brown pair and a black pair! and they were right here in town at shoe show. ah! should have looked there first. While I was shoe shopping, Dylan took my cell phone and had it "fixed" hopefully, Ill start receiving my incoming calls now. I must be hard on cell phones, they never last long for me. Maybe, just maybe, it's fixed now.
Along with shopping and cell phone CPR, I also made some really cool gifts yesterday. I'm excited to get everyone's responses. I just love my handmade Christmas list this year. ( = I've been struggling to balance my Christmas list projects and my Etsy shop orders, but I did get some orders filled yesterday, I've almost got all of my book wreaths shipped out. I have 2 more to make. I need to ship a big order tomorrow, I think i might need a truck. HA! these wreath boxes are SO big, only 4 can fit in my back seat. I'll figure it out, even if i have to make more than one trip. Right now I'm working on a book wreath made out of sheet music. I think it's going to turn out VERY cool looking. I'll post photos soon ( =

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We spent the day stuffing our faces with family and friends. Everyone is already in the holiday shopping spirit. I can't believe how early people are planning to start lining up for "black Friday" sales. I myself, don't think I'll be getting out this year. I had considered it, but I really want to focus on handmade gifts this year. I know I will have to pick up a few things retail, but I just feel like Christmas is more special when It's homemade. I'll be doing most of my shopping online with Etsy sellers, and the rest of it I plan to frugal find.

Will you be facing the crowd tomorrow for black Friday sales? I'll think of you as I sit in my warm cozy PJs snuggled up on the couch, probably making my book wreaths, and watching a good movie. (=

If your one of the many people getting ready to leave tonight and jump in line for those sales... I hope you find lots of good bargins! Try to keep warm, and don't get trampled in the rush!

For those of you who will be avoiding the crowds tomorrow, Try surfing the nets for holiday gift ideas. Make your first stop Etsy.  Etsy is a great place to find one of a kind handmade and vintage gifts. Plus, your supporting small business and independent artist. While your visiting Etsy, be sure to check out my Etsy shop,paperpixiecrafts .There you can see cool stuff that I've been making, including my Wreaths. ( =

If you find anything cool while your browsing, be sure to send me the link via email. EMAIL EMILY I'm always up for sharing new crafty goodness.

Again friends, Stay safe, enjoy your holiday shopping, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Emily Anne

No Thanksgiving photos this year, I forgot to bring my camera. But, I thought I would share this with everyone. This is my favorite Thanksgiving photo. It's a photo of my little sister Katie, last Thanksgiving, eating a BIG turkey leg. ( = Isn't she cute?

Hello world!

Hi Everyone! Welcome to my new blog. I am really excited to share all of my crafty happenings with you. I hope that you will follow my blog and visit often. I am always looking for new ideas and tips. If you have a craft project, idea, comment, or tip that you would like to share here... message me. I'm always happy to try new things and share new ideas. Also, If your interested in being a featured seller, let me know.  I'd love to share your shop with everyone!