
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sum Nelly Crazed.

This time of year always brings craft fairs and crafting craze. I'm usually swamped until the winter holidays are over. Although I love being busy with my crafting, it doesn't leave much time for my poor little blog. Please forgive me slight disappearances during the next few months. I promise to keep you posted on my crafty goodness along the way.
This week has consisted of hours upon hours of sewing, beading, and ironing.  I have lots of cute new projects to share with you as soon as I take some photos. 
Currently I'm working on ideas for displays at the Craft fair next weekend. Does any one have any tips for setting up at shows. I plan on using a ez up tent and folding tables, but I'm still contemplating how I will set it all up and I'm looking for eco friendly display ideas now.
The last event I set up at was an Expo inside the mall and my display looked something like this... but I have much bigger plans for upcoming Sum Nelly, since It's so much closer to home and because I have some of my lovely crafty friend joining me. ( = I hope that all you locals will come out and see us this weekend at Sum Nelly.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely Cannot wait! I am still working on my displays! lol


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