
Sunday, October 3, 2010

spontaneous Mini Vacation & Sum Nelly review

Thats right..
I'm headed to the beach for a much needed mini vacation. Myrtle Beach is always a fun getaway.
I be back before the weekend because I was invited to another Craft event on Saturday. I don't have all the details yet- but a lady at Sum Nelly invited Meg and I to set up at their church event. Speaking of Sum Nelly... It was Great! I did fairly well considering it was my first year setting up there. I learned a lot about the event and met some pretty cool crafters. I have more photos coming soon... I promise to get my bloggy up to date when I get home from the beach, but until then... Here's are some picts of how my booth looked at Sum Nelly....


  1. Sum nelly was fun fun fun! I can't wait for rapture jam this weekend

    Just wanted to let you know I have chosen you to receive a blog award!


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