
Monday, October 11, 2010

Saving little Baxter

I know I know.. It's been FOREVER. SO... let me catch you up. 
* I have several post coming your way to fill you in on all the cool stuff that I've been up to.*

Little Baxter. Isn't he Cute?
A few weeks ago I had the amazing opportunity to help rescue an adorable little puppy. My neighbor sheltered a battered puppy and I was able to pair him with a new home. Baxter the terrier puppy went to live with my friend Wendy and her family. I am pleased to say that Baxter is doing well in his new home and LOVEs having 2 little boys to run and play with. 
I have such a BIG heart for animals. I want to take in every stray and pound puppy I see, and while that can't always happen... I am happy to have been able to help out little Baxter!
If you are interested in adopting a shelter puppy of your own... check with you local humane educational society. If you are local to Chattanooga, Click here to see what animals are available currently. We are lucky to live in an area where most people LOVE their pets dearly and there are so many great programs like Wally's friends to help care for pets.

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