
Friday, January 14, 2011

Our Christmas.

My family isn't the always so on the ball with the Christmas card thing. When Dylan and I were dating... I send out photo cards and everyone loved them. His family especially. So when I read about Shutterfly's blogger promotion (I blogged about it here), I knew I needed to send out cards this year. I hired a friend from high school to take our photos and I even talked Dad, Mom, and Katie in to joining us for family photos. I was pleased with how the cards turned out.
 2010 Williamson Christmas card.
Here are some of our favorite photos from our family Christmas Shoot. *Photo Credit: Sipsy Photography.

I had a little issue with my promo code so my cards arrived only a few days before Christmas. I decided I would just put them in everyones gift bags. Turns out I still have a ton of Christmas cards, and gifts too that have still not been delivered. Why have I still not delivered Christmas gifts and it's mid January? Well... this is what the week of Christmas looked like in Georgia.
Mom's front yard Christmas morning.
I know all you northerners are probably laughing that this amount of snow shut us down for DAYS... but us Georgia peeps just are not prepared for this kind of weather.
So.. we spent Christmas with my parents and watched my little sister open her gifts & play in the snow. 

Here's what they were up to in the snow.

But for most of the visit you could fine me here:
I LOVE this hammock. It was handmade by a lady in a little shop on St Simons Island, and I purchased it for my parents when I was living on Jekyll island. It's has pretty much became my favorite spot during the nice fall and spring months. I curled up with a hot coffee and a good book Christmas day, and watched Dylan and Katie play in the snow. ( =
I'm glad we decided to have our extended family Christmas dinner early this year {23rd}so we missed the snow. Heres some picts from that party:

After the roads were cleared {the day AFTER Christmas} we were finally able to make it to Dylan's parents house, but couldn't make it over the bridges to visit the rest of his family. We ended up spending the night with Dylan parents so it would be a shorter drive for Dylan to get to work in the snow. After about 3 days the tempature finally got warm enought to melt all the snow. I thought it was over... but then...the first week in January.. My Aunt Cindy came home for a visit from Wisiconsin... and she REALLY brought the snow with her! Here what I woke up to Monday 1/10:

And it's been a week and we STILL have over 11 inches of snow on the ground! I guess that pretty much explains why I still have Christmas gifts in my trunk in mid January.
We haven't got out much but we were able to get together for a cookout with my family to visit with Aunt Cindy while shes in town. We had a great time! Heres some video from the party of the family playing let's dance on the wii. ( =

I'm not sure why they are sideways... I can't figure out how to rotate them... if you guys have any tips.. shoot me a line.
The plus side of being snowed in so long is that I have finally finished my Hollis Gillespie book. I get horrible behind on my reading... I think I'm ADD sometimes. I LOVE Hollis. She lives in Atlanta you know... I'd love to meet her sometime! I read her first book, who's name I won't say here... be cause well.. you know.. Just click here to read more about/buy it. ( = I LOVED the book and I have already ordered her other 2 books. If you aren't easily offended and could use a good laugh- check it out.
Also while I've been snowed in I done a ton of web surfing. In doing so, I ran across an amazing graphic designer on Etsy that hooked me up with the cutest little stick family.
She made Dylan and I along with Georgia first, and I fell in LOVE with it... So I had her do one with the whole family.
Didn't she do a GREAT job? Not sure what I'll do with the graphic just yet. Maybe address labels or stationary. Any ideas?

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