
Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 16 - a picture of someone who inspires you. (Life isn't always greener on the other side)

*Dont Forget to ENTER the RaineeDawnSundries handmade soap giveaway HERE.* 
Giveaway ENDS tonight at midnight!

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
image source
When I first decided to do this challenge I looked over the list and thought It would be a breeze, as I go through the topics, I'm learning a lot. How? Well- at first glance I opened this topic and thought imediatly that I'd write about the "DOYENNE OF DOMESTICITY", Martha Stewart.  Then, when I started typing her name in to this post I remembered my DAY 6 Challenge post about who I would like to trade places with for a day.  In that post I considered Martha, but then changed my mind because I remembered that she was in prison, and from some of the stories that I hear from my correctional officer husband, prison is the last place I'd like to spend my day. Anyway, I decided that since Martha's name seemed to come to mind multiple times, maybe I should look past the business prospective of her live that seems so appeling to me and learn more her personal life and what exactly landed her a 5 month say at Federal Prison Camp, Alderson in West Virgina. I'll spare you by not rewriting her life history here, but if you really want hear it you can read  all about it on her wikipedia page here.
Several years ago, we all watched as the new explained that she made a large financial gain from selling stocks that she owned before the market crashed in an inside deal. But what I didn't know was that while Martha has made a huge impact  on housewives across the globe as a domestic goddess, her personal life is not one that I would want to claim. Martha has held many titles as a model, writer, tv host, brand owner, DIY-er, caterer, and other wonderful titles,  but she has had her share of bad luck in her personal life.
image source I couldn't find a single photo
of Martha with her new grandchild )=
In short, I was surprised to read that while Martha is known to many as the perfect home maker, she did not make the perfect home, as her marriage ended in divorce after 28 years. Then, her long time boyfriend, Charles Simonyi, left her, and suddenly married a woman less than half his age. Martha's mother has passed away, and her daughter lives in a penthouse in Manhattan. Her daughter spent outrageous amounts of money on fertility treatments and  is also a divoricee. Alexis, Martha's only daughter, finally welcomed a her daughter into the world only a few weeks ago, by surrogacy. Alexis has spoke about an on again off again relationship with her mother that became a deeper bond while her mom was in prison. Martha lives alone in a  35,000 square foot home with her dog in NY. I guess what  I'm trying to say is that Martha's life sounds pretty lonely. She MAY (doubt it) be perfectly happy, but if I had the family life that she does, I think I would be miserable. Guess this goes back to the old saying that money can't buy happiness. This little research endeavor has just reiterated the fact that no one is perfect, one person can't do everything right, and things aren't always as they seem. 
While Martha is my inspiration for my craftiness and business accomplishments, she is not my inspiration for my personal life. I wish Martha all the best in her personal life. Maybe her new grandchild will bring her together with her daughter to create a family life that every woman deserves.

Monday, March 21, 2011

15-Happiness before I die

*Dont Forget to ENTER the RaineeDawnSundries handmade soap giveaway HERE.* 

image source
Puzzled with this one? Well let me rant for a moment about an issue that I have always struggled with... Happiness. No, I'm not depressed, just permanently confused about life. You see, I have little moments of happiness often in the strangest things, but in an overall aspect, I'm always striving for something better.  Why is this a problem? Well I've got folks like Sheryl Crow singing "It's not having what you want it's wanting what you got."
image source
So I wonder... Am I just spoiled and ungrateful to always want more than what I have? I do realized that I am VERY blessed to have a wonderful, family, husband, home, and life in general. BUT I am also ALWAYS planning on how we can improve, what we can do to make things better.(I'm currently on an endless battle to purchase a home and prepare a stable life so that we can eventually start a family. As well as looking for a new job, researching what car we should buy  and how we are going to finance the purchase, considering going back to school, and planning our extended family vacation for this summer, all while running our home and PPC shop, this blog, and I'm currently fighting a 2 week flu. ep!) Anyway.. *snapping out of ADD rant* I'm often told to "stand still and smell the roses", "enjoy life", "be thankful and happy with what you have kid", and other similar phrases that imply that I'm an ungrateful brat with spinning wheels.
Now, my question is:
image source
Isn't being happy with what you got, the same thing as settling for less than what you could achieve? 
What differences a  determined young adult with a strong work ethic that's striving for a better life, from a unthankful brat?
Now I'm wondering if I'm confusing happiness with success, or maybe even fulfillment?
Happiness: state of well-being characterized by emotions.
Success: An event that accomplishes its intended purpose
Fulfillment: A feeling of satisfaction at having achieved your desires.
Back to happiness. I want to learn to be happy, but first I must learn what makes me happy; Learning to be happy with what I have? Or finding that happiness lies in the journey of building a life that I can be proud of?

Day 14 Life without you?

*Dont Forget to ENTER the RaineeDawnSundries handmade soap giveaway HERE.* 
Day14- A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without:
My husband. We are always together... and I've kinda forgot how things used to be without him. Guess that means I'll have to let him stick around. (=

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

RaineeDawnSundries handmade soap giveaway!

Ready for another giveaway? 

This week's sponsor come from from RaineeDawnSundries in sunny Ft. Myers, Florida. One lucky winner will receive this awesome 4ox. Tangerine Lavender scented cold process soap. RaineeDawnSundries offers soaps, as well as soy breakaway melts, body sprays, and sugar n salt scrubs in delectable scents. They are handmade, beautiful, smell great, lather nicely and leave your skin feeling refreshed and wonderfully soft.
Stop by RaineeDawnSundries Etsy shop to see more of her beautiful handmade soaps and scents. She's having a 25% off sale through the end of March, so stock up now on all your favorites.  (=

Want to win this tangerine lavender cold process soap giveaway?
 (Each of these items will give you additional entries into the giveaway. You can choose to do as many or few as you would like. The only MANDATORY entry is that you be a follower of this blog and comment on this post saying you'd like to enter, so I'll be able to contact you if you win! When the following options are completed below please leave a separate comment for each entry saying which one you completed. Don't forget to include your email address in each comment!)
- Follow my blog under "Followers" (google friend connect) on the top right hand side of this blog. Current followers count to. This entry is mandatory if you would like your other entries to count. ( =
- Blog about this giveaway and link us back. (quick link at end of this post)
-. Add Paper pixie crafts blog button to your blog. (Code available in left side bar of this page.)
- Like Paper Pixie Crafts on Facebook Here.
-Leave a comment on Paper pixie crafts Facebook Wall saying: "I entered to win a ranieedawnsundreie's soap giveaway at"
- Share this giveaway with your Facebook friends. "Paperpixiecrafts is hosting a giveaway from Raniee Dawn Sundries."
- Heart Paper pixie crafts on Etsy here and leave comment with your favorite shop item.
-Heart RaineeDawnSundries Etsy shop.
-Tell us what RaineeDawnSundries item you would like to try.
- Tweet about this giveaway.
Giveaway open to us only and ends 3/26/11 at 11:59pm. One winner will be chosen using Winner will be emailed (please enter your email address in EACH comment) and announced on our blog. Winner has 48 hours to claim prize.
 Good Luck!!

50's flower winner.

Congrats to Darcy. She is the 1st winner of our 50's flower giveaway.
Our second winner is Jill.

Alright ladies. Message me here to claim your prize within the week. Darcy has first pick of flower patterns.
Thanks to everyone who entered!

Day 12 - a picture of something you love

Day 12 - a picture of something you love
Most of all I love my little family. ( = Dylan is an amazing husband, and Georgia is the cutest little thing.
I love the rest of my family and friends too. I have a big list of things that make me happy. I love to travel, being outside in spring time, swimming, and of course... music, art, sewing, all things crafty. (=

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 11 - a picture of something you hate

Day 11 - a picture of something you hate.
DIRTY DISHES! Ugh. I'm not a housekeeper... I hate doing dishes.
image source
I'm always trying to come up with ways to make cleaning less of a drag. There are a ton of articles like this one from that have ideas on how to enjoy yourself while cleaning. Ha! Enjoy. Yea right. lol
Speaking of dishes... a close second on my hate list is laundry.
image source
No, no, this is not my actual laundry pile. I wish it was that simple. I always have laundry everywhere. My laundry room is a disaster, and I always have a few baskets half folded around the house. I often try to convince myself that if I had a beautiful laundry room I would be much better at keeping on top of it, but I seriously doubt that. But I'll keep wishing for a beautifully organized laundry spot like this one anyway. (=
Image source. ooohh! If only...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 10. Silly

Day 10... a picture of the person you do the silliest things with.
Hm... I guess it would have to be my husband. I get my self into some pretty silly situations more often than not... and he's always there to laugh at me, with me, make me laugh, or bail me out.
He's pretty silly himself too... He defiantly makes my daily life interesting with his random bits of sporadic song, dance, impersonation, and jokes. Gotta love Dylan.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

day 9. My personal support team.

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
My Mama and my Aunt Joanie.
My Dad.
All 3 of these people are always there for me. Each in a totally different way. Dad's always there to get my butt out of a bind... and My Mama is always there for a good convo and advise. And when we don't see eye to eye or I want a second opinion... I've got Aunt Joanie too.
Thanks you guys for being my shoulder to cry on, my person to vent to, great advise givers and life savers. I love you all in a special way.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 8 laughs & contest/giveaway.

DONT FORGET to check out my current giveaway for a beautiful 50's flower clip from The Shabby Chic Flower BoutiqueClick here to ENTER NOW.
Back to the 30 day challenge...
Day 8 - a picture that makes you laugh.
If Georgia was a human... I'm sure she would be slapping me right about now for posting this unflattering photo of her... but lucky for me, she's just a dog and I'm allowed to share. This photo kills me. It's always funny when she falls asleep on her back with her feet straight up.. but it's even better when Dylan puts the remote in her paw. So much for a watch dog! I caught her sleeping on the job. lol 
So there you have it... laugh of the day.
Do you have funny pet photos? I would love to share them with everyone. Click here to email me your photos. I could make a funny pet's pict post. (wew. say that 10 times fast why don't ya?) 
Heck- let's make it fun. Everyone send in your funny pet photos and I'll post them for everyone to vote on. The winner will win something awesome.. like... um.. I don't know- I'll think of something. Maybe a gift certificate to my shop or something. Anyway- it'll be cool... so send in your photos. I'll announce to everyone who enters via email when the voting post is going up so you can get your friends in on the voting fun. (=

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 7. Treasure.

30 Day challenge
Day 7 - a picture of your most treasured item.
"The family.  We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together."  
~Erma Bombeck

My Family
Little sis Katie, me, Hubby Dylan, Mom Iris, Dad Rex
in Panama city at Pineapple Willy's last spring break.
I have very few material possessions that I consider "treasured." My most treasured "item" is family. I have a wonderful family that I wouldn't trade for the world. Yes- we aren't perfect, yes- we sometimes fight, but in the end... All you have is your family, and I love mine.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 6. Trading places.

30 Day challenge
Day 6 - a picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
I would love to be president for the day. I would share my thoughts on the country's current situations. While I know that only the big man up stairs can save the world in one day... I would still try. Hopefully someone would hear my concerns and ideas and would make a move. Why trade with Obama? Well- Wouldn't it be cool to see how it feels to have secret service, presidential cars, and live in the white house?  This would defiantly be a temporary trade though, because I know his life is stressful and I'd never want to take on the responsibility of a whole country. Plus- I wouldn't trade my family and life for anything. It's not always great- but it's mine... and I'll keep it.. for now. ( =
* I almost picked Martha Stewart to trade days with... since she's incredibly crafty... and a huge success in doing what she loves... but I decided against switching with Martha... Why? Because with the luck I've had today... I would get stuck with one of the days that she spent in jail! lol ( =

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

day 5. Memories

DONT FORGET to check out my current giveaway for a beautiful 50's flower clip from The Shabby Chic Flower BoutiqueClick here to ENTER NOW.

30 Day Challenge
Day 5 - a picture of your favorite memory
My wedding. This was the greatest day. I was so happy to become one with my soul mate.
The whole ceremony and reception was more than anyone could ask for. 
I love the memories of my wedding day.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 4: Little E, a retro throwback & The Lost Sea weekend adventure.

30 day challenge
                                          Day 4 - a picture of you when you were little. I can't seem to find any of me when I was little little (psh! I've never really been "little" lol )... so I'll share two of me when I was... simi little.

This was Christmas. I was so excited to get a  Walkman. I wore out that hot pink Barbie cassette. Yes children- a cassette... no, not a CD, but an actual cassette that held tape. You know... those "retro" things. ( =
*I feel weird for saying that... because I'm not that OLD. lol

Here's me an my friend Jennifer back in elementary school at Lost Sea. Don't you just love my  90's matching cotton short set? One fashion trend that i'm glad died for anyone over the age of 5 and under 60. ( =

Speaking of the Lost Sea... finding this photo a while back inspired Dylan and I to revisit the Lost Sea last weekend. We took a little drive up to Sweet Water to check it out. We had a great time! I'll be posting photos of our trip soon... but for now... here's a sneak peek of our Sweet water TN adventure.
The lost sea 
Image source
Largest Flea Market in TN ( =
More to come...

Monday, March 7, 2011

50's Flower Giveaway

3/9/11 UPDATE!!! BREAKING NEWS!! Karen has just announced her new shop name, Karen Thompson Designs. Be sure to check out her NEW Facebook, as TSCFB will be moving to KT Designs. ( = 
* Like her new page and leave a comment for an additional entry to this giveaway. ( =

Original post:
I haven't forgot... I'm still giving away a fabulous 50's flower hair bow from my friend Karen at 
Karen is a new crafty friend of mine who does WONDERFUL work. I'm always excited to see what she'll come up with next. Here are a few of her latest creations:
Karen's Art Portfolios are too darn cute! They not only hold crayons but a note pad too! How perfect would this be for little ones on the go? I'm seeing some more peaceful waiting rooms and restaurants in your kiddo's near future.

"Gift Tote designed for a client's "cruise ship" Cricut class! Destined for the Bahamas, this calls for tropical patterns and cool breezy colors. Triple rolled stitched handles, loop and cover button closure, clear vinyl front pocket for name tags and cabin keys. Finished product measures 10"W x 10"Lx3"D"

Awesome vintage inspired hair goodies.
Sweet Posy flower clips.
"This storage case is designed to fit 16 games, the charger, and the DS game unit!"
And my personal Favorite:
50's flowers!! ( =
"Beautifully nostalgic- the Fabulous 50's Flower is handcrafted in a fabric of your liking and coordinated with a sweet button to match. Each flower is then fixed to a salon quality alligator clip that is concealed in coordinating grosgrain ribbon. These are just a sampling of what these flowers look like, and they can easily be made in any size, any fabric, to match anything you have in mind. This size (3" diameter) sells for $8.
Headbands area available in a coordinating solid color. See headband picture for details."

Want to learn more about Karen and The Shabby Chick Flower Boutique?
Check out her blog 
Follow her on Facebook here.
Vist her Etsy shop here.
Karen's Etsy shop is currently on vacation but she welcomes orders via Facebook.

Are you diggin' those 50's flowers as much as I am?
Today is your lucky day!
Karen is giving away a beautiful flower to 2 lucky winners!
That's right... 2 winners. So get your entires in for double the chance to win.
1st place winner will have first choice from flower patterns, and second place winner will receive the other beautiful flower clip.

Want to win?
 (Each of these items will give you additional entries into the giveaway. You can choose to do as many or few as you would like. The only MANDATORY entry is that you be a follower of this blog and comment on this post saying you'd like to enter, so I'll be able to contact you if you win! When the following options are completed below please leave a separate comment for each entry saying which one you completed. Don't forget to include your email address in each comment!)
1. Follow my blog under "Followers" (google friend connect) on the top right hand side of this blog. Current followers count to. This entry is mandatory if you would like your other entries to count. ( =
2. Follow Karen's Blog 
3. Blog about this giveaway and link us back. (quick link at end of this post)
4. Add The Shabby Chic Flower Boutique's blog button to your blog.
5. Add Paper pixie crafts blog button to your blog. (Code available in left side bar of this page.)

6. Like The Shabby Chic Flower Boutique on Facebook 
7. Like Paper Pixie Crafts on Facebook Here.
8. Leave a comment on The shabby Chick flower Boutique's Facebook Wall saying: "I entered to win a SCFB 50's flower hair bow at"
9. Leave a comment on Paper pixie crafts Facebook Wall saying: "I entered to win a SCFB 50's flower hair bow at"
10. Share this giveaway with your Facebook friends. "Paperpixiecrafts is hosting a giveaway from The Shabby Chic Flower boutique. Enter to win a fabulous 50's flower hair bow. Hurry, giveaway ends 3/12."

11. Heart Paper pixie crafts on Etsy here and leave comment with your favorite shop item.
12. Heart Karen's Etsy shop & sign up to be notified when she returns from vacation 

13. Tweet about this giveaway.
Giveaway ends 3/12/11 at 11:59pm. One winner will be chosen using Winner will be emailed (please enter your email address in EACH comment) and announced on our blog. Winner has 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be drawn.
 Good Luck!!
 A big Thanks goes out to Karen at the Shabby Chic Flower Boutique 

for sponsoring this wonderful giveaway!!


3/9/11 UPDATE!!! BREAKING NEWS!! Karen has just announced her new shop name, Karen Thompson Designs. Be sure to check out her NEW Facebook, as TSCFB will be moving to KT Designs. ( = 
* Like her new page and leave a comment for an additional entry to this giveaway. ( =