About Me

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LaFayette, Georgia, United States
Hi! I'm Emily, your crafty go to girl. I love all things crafty! I enjoy sewing, scrapbooking, photography, card making, DIY projects, home decor, photo projects, personalized gifts, stamping, jewelry making and just about anything that involves creativity. I run a small Etsy shop called paperpixie crafts. I also have my products in several local shops. I am slowly but surely extending my line of products. My goal is to start filling up my Etsy shop and then eventually open a local boutique. Luckily, I have a wonderful husband who can tolerate my craft obsession, and a great family who is always supportive of my goals. This blog is a sneak peek in to my life and my creative thoughts. I'll be sure to keep you posted with all the cool stuff I see along my crafty journey. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday tute- vinyl record bowl.

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* Cool, Eco-friendly Christmas Gift Alert*
If your are anything like myself, you are constantly visiting yard sales, estate auctions, thrift stores, and digging through junk for your next crafty find. I often find old scratched up vinyl records for "a dime a dozen" {ok .. ok- maybe not that cheap... but seriously... I can find them for about 25 cents each.}
Anyway- I've been collecting records in hopes of making some of those really nifty vinyl record bowls that I've been seeing everywhere lately. So- a few months back- my friend and I dug out my record stash and decided to give it a go. We actually followed instructions and melted the records in the oven... but we found out that melting them in a skillet of boiling water makes for a much more manageable project.
Me melting records in a boiling water.
©2010 Paperpixiecrafts™
Homemadesimple.com has a wonderful tutorial for baking these in the oven. There are also some pretty cool videos on youtube, like this one below, that show how to melt records in a skillet. 
 Wouldn't one of these babies {full of yummy homemade cookies} make a fabulous eco-friendly Christmas gift? I've added mirror to the bottom of some my bowls and used them as wall art, I've made picture frames, ash trays, clocks, purses, and  jewelry (coming soon to my Etsy shop/ message me for first dibs or photos.) 
The creative possibilities are endless.
My mirrored vinyl record bowls
©2010 Paperpixiecrafts™
 Have you tried melting vinyl yet? If so- I'd love to see your crafty creations. If not... get to junking and find your self some vinyl to melt up in to something nifty. (=
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